Types of Renewable Energy

Climate change is one of the alarming situations the Earth is facing. The country has been experiencing various effects of climate change, such as floods, droughts, stronger typhoons, and rising of the sea level that directly affects the environment and the economy.

Fortunately, several establishments and households are now embracing the sustainable lifestyle, especially through the use of solar energy since there are many reasonable prices of solar panels in the Philippines. Solar energy has been one of the most popular and fastest-growing sources of renewable energy not only in the country but in different parts of the world as well. Apart from the solar energy, there are other forms of renewable energy that can be used as an alternative source of electricity. Read on and let’s take a look at the different types of renewable energy.


Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is one of the most used renewable energies in the world. Biomass refers to the use of organic materials and converting them into their other forms that can be used as energy. One of the largest sources of biomass energy is wood and other forest residues, such as branches, dead trees, and tree stumps. The burning of woods has been the oldest form of biomass, however, there are newer methods that do not produce carbon dioxide. With this, utilizing biomass energy is definitely clean and reduces the carbon dioxide emission. Moreover, sustainably grown biomass can produce up to four times the global electricity needed by 2050.


Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is a thermal energy gathered from the heat found underneath the Earth’s surface, commonly from hot springs, magma conduits, and hydrothermal circulation. Geothermal hot water is often used to dry out fish and crops, heat buildings, and raise plants in greenhouses.

In the Philippines, Leyte is one of the provinces that produced geothermal energy. There are also geothermal power plants in Luzon, Negros, and Mindanao. With this, geothermal energy provides the country with almost 27% of its total electricity production.


Hydrogen Energy

Water is about 800 times heavier than the air, making it capable of producing considerable amounts of energy. There are many forms of water energy, such as hydroelectric power, small hydro systems, and run-of-the-river hydroelectricity.


Wind Energy

Did you know that wind technology can provide 9% of global electricity by 2030? Wind energy is a clean and non-polluting source of electricity. It uses a wind turbine, a device that can convert the wind’s kinetic energy into electrical power. Wind turbines rotate either by horizontally or vertically and typically place in areas with higher wind resources, such as offshore. Bangui Wind Farm and Burgos Wind Farm in Ilocos Norte are some of the big developments of wind energy in the Philippines.


Over the years, people have relied almost entirely on coal and natural gases for energy. Today, there are many alternatives in which we can get electricity. In fact, our country has several possibilities of getting clean yet cheap energy. Good thing, various environmental organizations and even the government are utilizing such possibilities to finally switch to the sustainable lifestyle and make the world a better place to live in.



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4 Things You Need to Consider Before Going Solar

Solar panels on roof of new house

Did you know that every second, the sun produces enough energy to sustain the Earth’s needs for 500,000 years? The increase in the popularity of using solar energy due to the growing number of people who are serious about reducing their carbon footprint and using energy more efficiently. To encourage this practice in our country, the prices of solar panels in the Philippines are very affordable.

Installing solar panels at your home will definitely bring various benefits, such as reducing your electricity costs and saving the environment. Committing to a greener lifestyle requires extensive research and there are many things you need to consider, too. So before installing solar panels at your roof for a greener home, here are the four things you need to consider.


The Kind of Roof You Have

Do you have a stable roof that can support solar panels? Unfortunately, there are some houses that simply cannot. Make sure that your rooftop is not covered in shade so that your solar panels can absorb enough sunlight for your regular electricity consumption. You must also consider the angle of your roof. Is it flat or steep? You may need to tilt your roofs so that the solar panels can get enough sunlight for its optimal performance. Lastly, check if your roofs are in good shape. Any sort of renovation should be done before adding solar panels. This will save you time and money from having to disconnect the solar panels.


Determine the Amount of Energy your Home Needs

Different households have different levels of energy needs. Before purchasing your solar panel system, determine the amount of energy your home uses each month. This will help you properly estimate the number of solar panels you’ll need to sustain your monthly electricity.


Costs and Financing

Although there are affordable solar panels in the country, the cost of solar panel installation may be the biggest expense when you decide to adapt eco-friendly lifestyle. Look around what’s available in the market then settle on a budget. Knowing how much you’re willing to spend can help you decide on the different available solar panel systems. You also have the options of paying in full, via instalment, or whether you’ll lease the solar panel system instead.


Explore the Types of Solar Panels

The advantages in technology allow everyone to have a choice in the type of solar panels to use. Many solar panel manufacturers offer various kinds of solar panels that will suit to different needs. Find out which one suits your home the most.


Going solar may be a great decision for anyone – in a way, it’s a great decision for everyone. However seemingly small, it does bring benefits to our planet in the grand scheme of it all. Remember to talk to the friendly representatives of solar companies before purchasing or leasing your own solar panels, and don’t be afraid to ask any questions. Consider the things mentioned above before switching to solar energy so you can make the most out of it and make the best decision for your home. Start eliminating your household energy consumption and join the solar revolution!




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Are Green Roofs Really Good For You?

Green Roofs Solar Panel Philippines

Solar panels in the Philippines can be now seen on the roofs of various establishments, farms, and even households. Another popular trend are green roofs, wherein grass and plants are grown on the rooftops. Green roofs typically consist of a waterproofing membrane, growing soil, and plants. These have become a trend among architects and urban planners due to the various benefits it brings to both private and public sectors.

Just how good are they for the environment and for the people in and out of the establishment? Let’s consider the benefits they bring.


Decreases outside Noise

A green roof system can serve as a sound barrier against the exterior noises. It provides good sound insulation, minimizing the outside noise coming in and the inside noise getting out. This is especially useful if the house or building is located in an urban area. 0041 green roof can reduce eight decibels of outside noise compared to the traditional roof.


Energy Efficient

Since green roofs provide great insulation, it can reduce the needed amount of energy to cool down the living space. It can help in the reduction of energy consumption significantly during summer, when we tend to turn up the a/c just to stay cool.


However, the outcome may vary depending on the climate condition, thickness of the insulation, and type of the building or construction.


Improved the Quality of Air

The plants on green roofs clean the air by capturing the airborne pollutants and atmospheric deposition. A green rooftop can also filter the noxious gases, which are harmful to all living things. It also helps in reducing the hazardous waste in the air we breathe in.


Increases Solar Panel’s Efficiency

The efficiency of solar panels will increase since green roofs can help them in absorbing the heat easily, thus, making them more effective.


Reduction of Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide is one of the major causes of global warming. By creating a green roof, you reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Moreover, every year, 1m2 of a green roof can absorb for about five kilograms of carbon dioxide.


Storm water Management

One of the major benefits of green roof technology is its ability to manage the rainwater. A green space can absorb up to 80% of rainwater, thus, reducing the chance of flooding. It also decreases the storm water runoff that flows to the gutter and sewer, thus, reducing the stress on sewer system and peak flow period. Moreover, the storm water becomes


Opportunities for Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture is known to contribute in community building, food security, and economic development. Creating a green roof can create more opportunities for urban agriculture. Utilizing your roof as a farm or garden can be a solution in reducing your community’s carbon footprint when creating a local food system.


Are green roofs really good for you? Definitely yes! Planting your rooftops definitely brings many benefits to private, public, social, and economic sectors. Join the green movement, turn your house into a green home, and consider a green roof!


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Sustainable DIY Projects at Home


Solar panels in the Philippines have greatly contributed to the green movement. If you are among those who have begun using solar panels in their home, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re doing the world a great service. If you’re not, it’s not too late to get those solar panels!

There are many other ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. You could get your hands on these really cool solar-powered gadgets, find alternatives for certain household appliances, and/or start doing the following sustainable DIY projects at your home.



Composting is a method of using decayed organic material as a plant fertilizer, which will help in decreasing the landfill waste. It is a practical way to save the environment and save money as well since you do not need to buy artificial fertilizers for your plants. Follow the instructions below to help you achieve your composting goals!


  1. First, distinguish what are the possible kitchen scraps that can be composted. Scraps, such as fruit and vegetable peelings, egg shells, coffee grounds, and grass clippings are efficient soil enhancers. Processed foods, dairy, and meat are not appropriate for composting.
  2. Before putting in the composting pile, make sure that the things you will compost are small and shredded.
  3. You can keep your composting pile inside your kitchen. By this, you can fill it right away with scraps every after meal. Take it outside if it is already full.
  4. Every now and then, slightly add water to your compost pile to maintain its moisture.
  5. Also, make sure that your compost pile is on even level so that it will drain properly.
  6. Maintain an even amount of green and brown scraps in your compost pile. Both types of compost are essential in maintaining the nutrients of your compost pile. The green compost provides nitrogen while the brown scraps gives carbon to the compost pile.
  7. Avoid including grass clippings or leaves that have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals into your compost pile.


DIY Household Cleaners


Reduce your exposure to various chemicals by using your own household cleaners. Majority of the ingredients in making such cleaners can be found in your pantry. Ditch the chemical products and start using natural household cleaners instead!


Air Freshener

Mix baking soda and vinegar will help reduce the foul odor around the house.  You can also use coffee grounds to keep your kitchen counter fresh.

Carpet Stain Remover

In a spray bottle, mix an even amount of water and white vinegar. Spray the mixture directly into the carpet. Leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then, clean it with a brush and soapy water.


To deodorize your food containers and storage, soak them in baking soda and warm water. Leave it overnight. To deodorize an in-sink garbage disposal unit, grind up an orange peel or lemon in it.

Oil and Grease Spot Remover

Use baking soda and wet brush when cleaning stains on the floors or walls in your house. Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of baking and 1 cup of water.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Mix 1 cup of vinegar and ¼ cup of baking soda. Pour the mixture into a basin and leave it for few minutes. Then, brush the toilet bowl using the mixture and rinse off.

Window Cleaner

Mix 1 liter of water and 2 teaspoons of white vinegar. Use a cotton cloth when applying the mixture into the window glass.

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The History of Solar Energy in the Philippines


Photo from Solar Philippines' website
Photo from Solar Philippines’ website

The renewable energy industry in the country has recorded an incredible growth in the last few years, evidenced by the availability of affordable prices of solar panels in the Philippines. There has also been an increase in the number of solar farms in the country.

Did you know that Philippines can receive an average of 5.1 KWh per square meter per day? Because the country lies near the equator, solar energy resources in the Philippines are significantly large. With the given high amount of sunlight, utilizing solar energy would not be difficult for both public and private purposes.

Many Filipinos may not realize it but the country already has several milestones with regards to the use of solar energy.



In 2014, SM North Edsa (Quezon City) became the world’s largest solar-powered mall. This gigantic mall has 5,760 solar panels and 60 inverters outfitted on its parking building, enough power to energize 1000 households. The 1.5-MW plant’s capacity is expected to operate for the next 25 years and predictable to offset an approximated 40,000 tons of carbon dioxide emission, which is about equivalent to planting 200,000 trees.

Manuel L. Quezon University (Quiapo, Manila) also begun using solar power by installing 320 solar panels on its rooftop. The solar panels can produce about 96 kilowatts of electricity. The solar project can lower the school’s electricity consumption by 20% for its continuous operation. Moreover, MLQU is the Manila’s first solar-powered university.



Currently, Robinsons Palawan runs its elevators, escalators, and light fixtures with the 4,710 solar panels installed on its rooftop. The solar panels can cover about 20% of the mall’s electricity consumption. Apart from its Palawan branch, Robinsons will also set up solar panels on three of its branches in Visayas.



The Calatagan Solar Farm has been starting to generate power last March 2016. The solar farm is a 63.3 MW solar power plant located in Calatagan, Batangas. It has 200,000 panels and has a 160 hectares (500 acres) land area. Instead of being used for growing crops such as corn or rice, the land was converted to a large solar farm to generate enough energy to provide power to the whole western Batangas. With continuous operation (over three decades), the solar farm is expected to offset beyond 1 million tons of carbon dioxide emission. This is equivalent to planting over 5 million trees! Calatagan Solar Farm is considered to be the largest solar facility in the country to date.

On March 2016, 3 more solar power plants have begun to be operational. These are the 135-MW solar power plant in Negros Occidental, 50-MW solar project in Tarlac, and 29-MW solar project in Davao. This will add 214 MW to the country’s electrical supply.


Solar energy and other renewable energy projects have been around for many years. Fortunately, many households and establishments are embracing the green revolution by using various renewable resources, such as solar energy.

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How to Turn Your House into a Green Home


Green Home

Increasing the usage of solar panels in the Philippines is well and good, but that’s only the beginning. There are even more adjustments you can make in your home that could decrease excessive use of energy and decrease the rate of global warming. Join the green movement and start building a green home by following the practical tips below.


For the Living Room


  • Big Windows in your living room and other parts of the house will increase the insulation and optimize sunlight throughout the room. It will also lessen the use of light and electric fans or air-conditioning.
  • Replace Bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs and light-emitting diode (LED) to save up to 66% more energy. Switching to such types of bulbs will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of your house by 400 pounds.
  • Unplug home appliances, such as TV and computer when they are not in use.
  • Power Strips are great for plugging groups of home appliances and gadgets. It reduces power usage AND makes it easy for you to unplug several electronics at once.


In the Bedroom

  • Grow houseplants to improve the quality of air in your bedroom. In some cases this can also lessen your usage of electric fans or air conditioner.
  • Don’t overcharge your mobile phones, tablets, and other gadgets. You should particularly avoid charging your gadgets before going to sleep as this will uses up more energy. You may want to start using solar-powered gadgets as well.
  • Use a ceiling fan instead of the regular electric fan. A ceiling fan uses only 2% of the energy compared to its standing counterpart.


In the Bathroom

  • Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth or applying facial wash, et c.
  • Inspect for possible leaks, as leakage in your tap can waste up to 182 liters of water every year. Regularly inspect your faucet and all other plumbing to ensure that it is free from any leakage.


In the Kitchen

  • Switch to non-toxic cleaning products and ditch your regular cleaning products. Kitchen ingredients, such as baking soda and lemon are some of the natural cleaners you can use.
  • Compost kitchen scraps as this could serve as your instant organic fertilizer. You will also reduce the amount of solid waste sent to the landfill.
  • Avoid Plastic Containers when buying your toiletries or kitchen condiments. Instead, opt for glass containers, as you can reuse the glass containers afterwards.


In the Laundry Area

  • Hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer, which could produce 2 to 3 kilograms of carbon emissions. Hang your clothes on a clothesline instead to reduce the carbon emissions and save energy at the same time.
  • Use cold water for washing clothes (unless hot water is necessary) as heating water can use up as much 85% to 90% of energy.



These are practical tips and sustainable habits you and your family can apply in your own home. Start doing the simple tips mentioned above and you’ll know you’re doing your part in making our environment a better place to live in. After all, the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

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The Many Ways Climate Change Affects You



Climate change has constantly been affecting every part of the world, slowly but surely. There has been increase in the average global temperature, extreme rising sea levels, contaminated water, floods, droughts, and increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Such changes are not only harmful to the environment but also for the health of all living things in it.

Fortunately, the availability of affordable prices of solar panels in the Philippines is an evident that the country is doing its best to fight the climate change. To convince you to join the green movement, note these negative effects of climate change to the health of your loved ones.


On the Air We Breathe

The extreme changes in our environment directly affect the quality of air that we breathe—both indoors and outdoors. The rapid changes in temperature may worsen the condition of the air quality and bring about various diseases. For example, frequent rain can increase the presence of fungi, mold, and other indoor air pollutants. The chemical air pollutants from various power plants and from burning fossil fuel could cause several respiratory conditions, such as asthma, lung cancer, pulmonary disease, and emphysema, among others.

On the other hand, air pollution can also be obtained through various household chores, such as cooking and heating using solid fuels. Hence, it is a more sensible choice to opt for sustainable alternative of solid fuels. 

On the Water We Drink

Contaminated water is definitely harmful to humans for obvious reasons. The changes in climate could increase the temperature and will lead to frequent rainfalls that cause the water level in oceans and seas to rise. The rising sea levels could lead to saltwater intrusion into groundwater drinking supplies, resulting in contaminated water 

On the Food We Eat

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can directly affect the food safety and its distribution to the people. For example, the exposure of the ocean to various chemicals can affect the contamination of seafood, such as fishes and shrimps. Frequent droughts and floods also affect the agricultural and yield production that may compromise the food supply.

Changes in Temperature

Did you know that for every degree centigrade that the temperature raises, the death rate can increase by 2% to 5%? Either extreme heat or cold is harmful to humans. Whether there is higher humidity or hotter temperature, both conditions could encourage the reproduction of more ticks, a bloodsucking insect, which spreads infections.


Climate change is definitely changing the way we live in this world. Various negative effects are evident with the continually increasing of air and ocean temperature around the world. Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.

Fortunately, several preventive measures are being promoted by various environmental organizations to inform and persuade people to join the movement in saving and protecting our environment. How well we survive will only depend on how well we adapt on these changes and how well we are doing our part to stop such destructive changes. Get involved now and start living a sustainable life.

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What are the Benefits of Saving Electricity?


Environmental organizations are urging everyone to play their part in conserving and protecting our Mother Earth. One of the easiest ways to contribute to this is by consuming less energy daily. Contrary to the popular notion that solar panels are costly, many affordable prices of solar panels in the Philippines are available to urge the Filipino people in switching into an energy-efficient living.

Choosing to consume less energy will provide many positive impacts to both people and environment. Now is the perfect time to join the conservation movement and start opting for energy-efficient appliances. To convince you to make the switch to the sustainable lifestyle, here are the top beneficial reasons to make your humble abode an energy efficient one.


Saving Electricity Saves You Money

One of the most appealing benefits of consuming less energy is the opportunity to save money. For example, opt for light-emitting diode (LED) bulb because it only uses 2 to 17 watts of electricity. It can also last longer than the other types of bulbs, so you don’t have to constantly replace your bulbs. Making various energy-efficient home improvements will enable you to do your part in reducing energy consumption and lessen your monthly expenditure as well.


Fossil fuels are burned in order to produce energy, but it also has negative side effects to the environment. The burning of fossil fuel produces heat-trapping gases, which is the primary cause of global warming. When you consume less energy or install solar panels at home, you can reduce the need to burn several fossil fuels. You may argue that it’s just one home against millions of others, but it’s a start.

Reduces your Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint refers to the environmental impact of a certain individual to the environment. Carbon footprint has two types—primary and secondary. The primary footprint refers to all the carbon dioxide emissions created when fossil fuels are burned. The secondary carbon foot print refers to the indirect carbon dioxide emissions formed through manufacturing or breaking various products. Opting for energy-efficient appliances, such as LED or CFL bulbs or simply unplugging home appliances when not in use are simple steps in reducing your carbon footprint.

Conserve our Mother Earth

All the benefits mentioned above just boil down to one of the most important benefits of saving electricity— the conservation of the environment. Consuming less energy or cutting back on the electricity use will lessen the need for the production of energy. Then, there will be a lesser carbon dioxide emissions that will contribute to the climate change. Thus, it will create a cleaner and healthier air.


Doing more with less energy is definitely beneficial for people and environment. Starting to save energy does not have to be complicated nor expensive. There are several easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint without having to bend over backwards. Simple energy-saving habits, such as turning off the lights when not in use and turning down a water heater are already big help in the environment and for you as well.

Author’s Note: This entry was optimized by the best SEO Services Agency in the Philippines – SEO Hacker.

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Three Major Benefits of Going Green



The availability of affordable solar panels in the Philippines is an indication that Filipinos are slowly embracing what we call the ‘sustainable lifestyle’. Sustainable living refers to a healthy living that uses fewer natural resources and reduces an individual’s carbon footprint to the environment. Sustainable living may include consuming less energy, saving water, eliminating toxic products at home, practicing the 3 R’s (reducing, reusing, and recycling), eating and growing organic food, and practicing minimalism, among others. Such sustainable habits can give a quality life not only to us but for the future generation as well.

If you haven’t considered joining this movement already, here are a few of the many benefits of going green to help you decide. Read on and learn the advantages of living a sustainable life.


Financial Benefits

One of the obvious benefits of going green is that it will actually help you save money. It’s really not that costly, as most people may think! Practice the green habits enumerated below to that help save the environment and your financial assets as well.

  • Switch to solar panels. These will benefit you in the long run.
  • If solar panels are not your choice, opt for compact fluorescent light (CFL) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulb. These types of bulb consume less energy compared to their counterparts.
  • Replace some of your household items with energy-efficient appliances and solar-powered gadgets.
  • Unplug home appliances, such as TV, computer, and air conditioner when not in use. This green habit will definitely reduce your utility bills.
  • Start composting. This will prevent you from spending money when buying commercial fertilizer. This will also reduce the trash you send in the landfill.

A Healthier Life

Switching to sustainable lifestyle will definitely provide you a healthier life. Here are some green habits that promote a healthier and sustainable life.

  • Opt for organic food. Organically grown food does not have any toxic chemicals in it, making it a healthier choice compared to conventionally grown food. Grow them yourself if the ones in grocery stores are too expensive.
  • Ditch toxic products and start using natural cleaners and beauty products. Doing this will lessen your exposure to various toxic chemicals found in commercial products that are harmful to your health.
  • When buying a certain home supplies, choose product that packaged in glass or bottle containers rather than the plastic ones. Many types of plastic have been shown to have toxic chemicals that are risky to human’s health.
  • Opt for walking or biking to lessen the use of your vehicle. Such practice will reduce the air pollution and will give you a clean and clear air to breathe.

A Sustainable World

All the mentioned sustainable habits will definitely result to the most important benefit of going green—having a sustainable world. A sustainable world will have improved quality of air and water, less solid waste, decrease in carbon footprint, reduced fossil fuel dependency, the right amount of food supply for everyone, well-maintained natural resources, a balanced ecosystem, and a rich biodiversity, among others.


These are only a few of the many benefits of going green. As a citizen, it is important that we do our part in conserving and protecting our Mother Earth every day. After all, we are the ones who will ultimately benefit from it.

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4 Energy-efficient Alternatives to Your Home Appliances and Gadgets


One way to play a part in conserving and protecting our environment is by consuming less energy daily. In relation to this, using a solar panel is highly encouraged. It is common misunderstanding that purchasing a solar panel is costly – what they fail to realize is that there are various affordable prices of solar panels. In the Philippines, various environmental organizations are consistently placing effort to convince citizens to switch into the sustainable lifestyle. Another way to do this is by investing in energy-efficient appliances.

Join the movement and make your humble abode a more environment-friendly one. Ditch the energy-guzzling appliances you may currently have for these highly energy-efficient appliances that only use energy up to two to ten times less.


Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) Bulbs

Did you know that electric lighting makes up 25% of your household’s monthly energy consumption? Cut this down by replacing your incandescent bulb with CFL and LED bulbs.

Compact Fluorescent Light or CFL is a small version of the standard fluorescent. This kind of bulb was designed to replace incandescent bulb and save more energy. Switching to CFLs will save up to 409 terawatt-hours per year and will minimize your carbon footprint.

On the other hand, Light Emitting Diode or LED is another type of an energy-efficient bulb. LED bulbs can last up to 10 times longer compare to CFLs, making it a far more practical choice. This bulb only uses 2 to 17 watts of electricity. Before buying your LED light, estimate your desired brightness and choose between cool or warm light.

Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan is a great choice as it has a wattage of 65 to 175. In comparison, the average electric fan has wattage of about 2000 to 3000, so it definitely consumes a lot more energy!


Instead of a desktop, opt instead to use a laptop. It consumes 85% less electricity than desktop, making it the most energy-efficient choice. To save even more energy, turn off your laptop when not in use. You could also use one large power strip with individual switches, so you can plug the laptop and other appliances in there and turn it off as needed. This tip could save you up to 200 kWh per year.

Single Door Refrigerator

The refrigerator is essential in every household. Storing your food in a cold place will slow down the growth of microorganisms and prolong the life of your food. However, refrigerator takes up a huge portion in your monthly energy consumption. Consume less energy by opting for a single door refrigerator.

Since it has a smaller freezer compared to a double door refrigerator, single door refrigerator consumes around 30% to 40% less energy than its two-door counterpart. Moreover, a single door refrigerator is much cheaper than the double door refrigerator. Hence, choosing a single door fridge will not only you save energy but money as well.  

The electricity consumption in every household is quite different from each other. Be aware of how much energy each appliance and gadget in your home consumes, and consider replacing them.

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