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The Philippines’ most watched social media family not only impressed us with their big and beautiful smart home, but by their sustainable and eco-friendly solar lifestyle.


A self-sustaining home & family

Building their dream home, the Kramers were very ahead of the curve. They planned ahead and made sure they made significant investments. This wholesome family were able to produce their own food in their backyard right beside their home. In fact, when the Solaric team toured their home, the Kramers cooked our lunch and served their homegrown garden monggo. They also filter their own water and even produce their own electricity using solar panels!


Homeschool ready

Homeschool ready

Long before the pandemic happened and transformed the lives we had grown accustomed to, the Kramers had already started homeschooling their children. The kids normally stay in their homeschool classroom for 8 to 9 hours daily – and sometimes even more, with all the lights, aircon and computer on. Since the home is on solar, the Kramer family don’t worry at all about the electric bills or expenses. The proud parents of Kendra, Scarlett, and Gavin also share how important it is for them to teach their children about sustainable living and caring for the environment.


Thinking and preparing in advance

Thinking and preparing in advance

The Kramers have not only prepared their home to be solar-ready but also, expansion-ready. They have already prepared the “abangs” for when the time comes and they are ready to upgrade their current 16kWp solar system setup to a 26kWp system. From the beginning, the Solaric experts have already determined the maximum solar system capacity available to the Kramer home and when the time comes, they can easily add solar panels. 


“It’s as simple as plug ‘n play,” says Doug Kramer. 


With everyone spending most of their time at home, the Kramer family just proved how crucial it is to make solid investments like solar to see us through uncertain times.


Interested in taking the next step to be your own power producer? Give us a call at 75040092 or 09178603141 or 09083775577, email or visit  Our customer service continues to work hard from home to answer all your questions and inquiries. We will gladly explain to you how the system works, or schedule a survey so we can give you options for your new home or existing homes or businesses!


Turning on the sun

At Solaric, we appeal to Filipino sensibilities of approachability, service and value. Before we give a quotation, we learn how you use energy. We determine the best ways to maximize your return on a hard-earned investment. We present different strategies to ensure that you achieve your solar goals. We want to ensure reduced expenses and increased savings so that you make that one-time wise business and environmental investment. We always do our best to deliver fast, efficient, and thorough customer service. We are in the business of not just selling solar panels – but also enabling eco-friendly solar lifestyles. With this, we want to provide endless satisfaction by delivering Solaric Service Satisfaction, ranging from permanent reduction of electric bills to the ultimate ZERO bill.


Solaric is the leader in rooftop solar

Solaric has established its name across the renewable industry as a proven and reputable rooftop solar leader. Backed by decades of experience, Solaric has installed more than 50% of residential rooftop solar in the Philippines and has delivered significant cost reductions in electricity expenses, as well as milestone contributions to a cleaner, greener, and renewable future. We want every Filipino to enjoy the benefits of clean and renewable power. Welcome to the new generation of solar and turning on the sun.


Do you know anyone who is interested in installing rooftop solar? Help them out by sharing this article with them! Click SHARE.


At Solaric, we Turn on the Sun.

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Solar Digital Squad
Manila, Philippines
March 8, 2019


The solar revolution

The solar revolution

The world is always changing. Wars are fought over the control of oil. Even the climate is changing because we are simply running out of clean air. The world’s nations are getting ready for a revolution on how energy is sourced, generated, and used. The Philippines signed laws and global treaties to protect the environment and its economic security. We have most definitely reached an age of transition and we are now on the verge of disruption. The question is: are we ready for the next big energy revolution in the Philippines? Are solar panels the answer? Read on and find out.


The time is now

The time is now

At this day and age, it is the right time to embrace and accelerate change. Throughout the nation, a solar project is launched and installed each day. Everyone is clamoring to learn how to install solar, or, even just learn a little more about solar power and energy. For the true energy revolutionary: he no longer needs to pay the utility company for electricity, because he has learned to become both a consumer and producer of power. The 2019 lifestyle is all about being a consumer and a producer of power, about leading a clean, renewable, and sustainable lifestyle. The battle of climate change involves facing the challenge of rising electricity costs the smart and efficient way. The only way to do that is to adopt revolutionary thinking and learning new skills to brave this 2019 world.


Take a peek into understanding rooftop solar

Take a peek into understanding rooftop solar

Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight to electricity, typically using a photovoltaic system. A solar power system is made up of multiple photovoltaic (PV) panels, a DC to AC power converter (called inverter) and a rack system that holds the PV panels in place. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are generally fitted on the roof. The panels should be tilted at particular angles to maximize the amount of sunlight that hits the panels. Solar systems on the roofs of homes and businesses generate clean power by converting the energy in sunlight. Going solar is the new global energy alternative. It’s definitely trending – especially here in the Philippines. Why? Well because it’s clean, safe, green, renewable, and most importantly, cheaper than electricity.


Thinking forward

Thinking forward

What if even half of the homes, buildings, warehouses, cold storage facilities, and factories had rooftop solar and used solar power? The greenhouse gas emissions of our country would be limited. We could bring solar power to the mainstream like never before. Solar capability is the easy, practical, and cost-efficient solution to protecting the environment.


What the options are for the Filipinos

What the options are for the Filipinos

Filipinos can now take on initiatives in the direction of what is referred to as the solar revolution. Install rooftop solar panel in your Philippine home and in your business. Invest in mini-grid solar power plants. Require all homes to be powered by non-carbon producing sources (or clean energy). Recommend and advocate solar energy. Use net metering to sell excess power to the utility company so that you become a producer AND a consumer (this is the ultimate secret to reducing, if not eliminating, those power bills). Enroll or attend a solar seminar. Adopt a “ green” mindset. The options are endless.


Solaric is the leader in rooftop solar

Solaric has established its name across the renewable industry as a proven and reputable rooftop solar leader. Backed by decades of experience, Solaric has installed more than 50% of residential rooftop solar in the Philippines and has delivered significant cost reductions in electricity expenses, as well as milestone contributions to a cleaner, greener, and renewable future. Solaric is now zoning in on corporate and industrial projects to offer them the same cost reductions. Solaric is the recognized leader in solar panel installations in the Philippines. The Solaric installers and engineers are well-known troubleshooting experts. They work hard to ensure that solar panel systems run efficiently and seamlessly so that every single homeowner with rooftop solar can enjoy the benefits of clean and renewable power. Welcome to the new generation of solar and turning on the sun.


Do you know anyone who is interested in installing rooftop solar? Help them out by sharing this article with them!

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Contact the solar experts
For more information on solar power systems and solar system installers and experts, click here.

If you also want to #TurnOnTheSun then give us a call at 5040092 or 09178603141 or visit at

We will gladly explain to you how the system works, or schedule a survey so we can give you options for your new home or existing homes or businesses.

At Solaric, we Turn on the Sun.

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