Why You Should Build a Green Building


It’s time we all realized that we should be more sensitive on how we treat our environment – and the earth as a whole. We are, after all, the main cause of the degradation and pollution of the environment. We’re the ones who constantly pollute the waters (not just with waste and chemicals, but also with thermal pollution,) burn fuel that create harmful gases (which consequently destroy our ozone layer and puts our health and lives at risk) and so much more. These facts only point to one thing: we should change the way we treat the planet we live in.

There are many ways we can be good to earth. Reducing waste is one. Another is to actively support environmental organizations in various projects dedicated to nursing the environment back to health. Here in the Philippines, solar panels are slowly entering the current trend as it allows the use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. One way to know for sure that you’re consistently doing the environment more good than harm is by building a green home. If that’s not convincing enough, here are a few other reasons to go green.


Low Operations Cost

When a green building or house is being built, components such as materials used, furniture, and fixtures; features that make the consumption of energy considerably lower are incorporated into the construction process  to guarantee the efficient use of water, electricity, and other resources when the structure is finished; which effectively makes the building/house save up as much energy as it can. It is a well-known fact that as much as 80% of a building or house’s lifetime cost comes from the operating costs, this includes the water, electric, and other operating necessities of a structure. Hence, if you have a green building, you can considerably reduce the operational costs of your structure, and be able to save money.

However, it is worth noting that the construction cost of eco-friendly building or homes are more expensive than their non-green counterparts, but when it comes to the long-term costs such as operational and maintenance fees, the eco-friendly building is cheaper.

Energy Efficiency

The goal of the people that construct green buildings/homes is to reduce the overall dependency on nonrenewable sources of energy; which is why they want the structure to be as efficient as possible, and to eradicate any hint of energy that came from nonrenewable sources.  Consequently, they choose to incorporate solar panels to reduce the dependency on electricity that come from non-renewable sources. They also incorporate as much windows as they can to reduce the dependency on artificial light, and to ensure that the building only uses up energy in an efficient manner. They make it a point that for efficiency to be incorporated because it not only helps the owner, but it also reduces the dependency of people from non-renewable sources of energy, and most importantly, pollution.

Health Benefits

Aside from energy efficiency, people can also enjoy better health benefits when they live in eco-friendly homes and buildings. The primary difference of a green building from a non-green building is the materials that they use to construct the overall structure. The materials that eco-friendly construction companies use are non-toxic and they also avoid using plastic by-products. This is all due to the health hazards that plastic by-products have because they release carcinogens that not only cause breathing problems, but are also known to cause cancer.


Converting to a green home or building will ensure that you will have cheaper operational costs, energy efficiency, and some health benefits that you would not have otherwise obtained if you opted for a traditional structure. So, what are you waiting for? Convert to a green home/building now!



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