The Advantages of Solar Panel Priced in the Philippines in This Age


We are getting a lot of calls lately from people we surveyed the past few months; they say that they want solar NOW and Solaric big time packages, as the electric bill was not kind to them this summer. The hot weather causes increased demand and the lack of supply is driving their electric rates through the roof, except if you got Solaric’s solar panels priced in the Philippines on your roof.

Solaric’s solar panels priced in the Philippines on your roof

People tend to react when the crisis is on our feet; we were having some talks with the Government about solar many moons back regarding the Philippines power supply, back then, the technology and its potential was not fully understood by politicians and energy specialists. Grid tie and Net Metering were unheard of and unfamiliar topics with the LGU (local government units) and local power utilities. That was back in 2013.

“Solar couldn’t be cheaper than grid” exclaimed one; “how about if it’s raining would the lights go off,” said the other, however, we knew that solar worked in countries like Germany and Japan, where it’s not particularly sunny, and the output was so potent that they decided to mothball their ageing nuclear plants because the supply was now augmented.

Things are different now and technological barriers and cost efficiencies that favored burning coal is now becoming obsolete or downright irresponsible with climate change.

At Solaric, we are pioneering bill reducing solar technologies and conduct open source solar seminars on how to engineer projects. Our focus is providing the consumer their own personal power plant on their roof, so they can minimize their own power bill.

You may ask, how effective is solar—we routinely half electric bills as this is what Government policy supports with Net Metering and current buyback rates. Install enough solar to cover daytime loads with any excess purchased by the utility (at a discounted rate).

Occasionally, we have very green minded people who think beyond the 5-year ROI (return on investment) and put in so much solar power that the bill reads P0.00.


So to the pundits out there saying “paano kung walang hanging, walang araw,” our retort is: “Paano kung walang bill, Paano kung walang polyusion! ” Now, my friend, is the time for change and the time to say goodbye to the status quo.

Investing in solar is beyond saving a few pesos; it’s a lifestyle of saying “who’s the boss?” and caring for the environment.

Want to learn more? Go to this page or call us at 5040092.

For best quotes, we need to know what your monthly bill is like and what appliances you normally use during daytime hours.

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