One of the best advantages of solar systems is that it does not have any moving parts. You do not need to replace moving components that easily break from long term use. Once installed to your roof, voila, let the magic begin! To ensure that you will meet what is expected of your system and reap its long term benefits, you have to make sure you maintain it well and keep it in good shape. So, how do you maintain your solar system?
Clean your panels

Solar homeowners are lucky because solar panels require little maintenance compared to generators and other renewable energy sources. Cleaning your solar panels can be done once or twice a year but you have to remember that it depends on how heavily polluted your area is. If you live in a dustier area such as the cities, your solar panels are more prone to dust and grime accumulation. With running water and soap, you can easily clean those panels and wash off any dirt that might have accumulated. Remember that you will be working on heights, use a ladder or safety ropes and observe proper safety procedures.
Be on the lookout

If possible, you might want to check out your solar panels from time to time to see if there are any cracks or damages caused by falling objects from trees, tall buildings or animals. Check your inverter if the indicator lights and screen are working properly. Solaric systems are equipped with good monitoring systems that help the homeowner monitor its performance and make sure that it is working properly. It is wise to regularly check your solar harvest. If you use your solar wisely, such as doing laundry during daytime, and applying for net metering for grid tie systems, then you can make the most of your investment. With the online monitoring app, you can also calculate your environmental contribution: carbon emissions and equivalent trees planted. Call Solaric immediately if you notice anything unusual from your solar system.
Turning on the sun
At Solaric, we appeal to Filipino sensibilities of approachability, service and value. Before we give a quotation, we learn how you use energy. We determine the best ways to maximize your return on a hard-earned investment. We present different strategies to ensure that you achieve your solar goals. We want to ensure reduced expenses and increased savings so that you make that one-time wise business and environmental investment. We always do our best to deliver fast, efficient, and thorough customer service. We are in the business of not just selling solar panels – but also enabling solar-powered lifestyles. With this, we want to provide endless satisfaction by delivering Solaric Service Satisfaction, ranging from permanent reduction of electric bills to the ultimate ZERO bill.
Solaric is the leader in rooftop solar
Solaric has established its name across the renewable industry as a proven and reputable rooftop solar leader. Backed by decades of experience, Solaric has installed more than 50% of residential rooftop solar in the Philippines and has delivered significant cost reductions in electricity expenses, as well as milestone contributions to a cleaner, greener, and renewable future. We want every Filipino to enjoy the benefits of clean and renewable power. Welcome to the new generation of solar and turning on the sun.
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Contact the solar experts
For more information on solar power systems and solar system installers and experts, click here.
If you also want to #TurnOnTheSun then give us a call at 75040092 or 09178603141 or 09083775577, email or visit
We will gladly explain to you how the system works, or schedule a survey so we can give you options for your new home or existing homes or businesses.
At Solaric, we Turn on the Sun.