Solar Panels Philippines | Solaric

7 Things That Affect the Solar Panel Price in the Philippines

7 Things That Affect the Solar Panel Price in the Philippines

What are the things that affect solar panel prices in the Philippines?

  1. Quality and brand
  2. Size and capacity
  3. Installation costs
  4. Location
  5. Availability of components
  6. Maintenance costs
  7. Warranty

Investing in solar panels is an excellent decision for many Filipinos because of the country’s abundant sunlight, making our territory an excellent location for solar energy production. Solar is a clean and sustainable type of energy that can even help you get #ZeroBills—very low fees or none at all for your monthly electricity.

With that said, however, the prices of solar panels in the Philippines can vary based on a number of factors. We are here to guide you on the eight things you might want to consider that affect solar panel price in the Philippines.

Quality and Brand

When you’re buying anything, it’s important to think about the quality and brand of your product, especially if you consider it as an investment. High-quality panels from the best solar panel brand in the Philippines are made with better materials and are meant to withstand harsh weather conditions. Most of the time, these panels are also more efficient in converting sunlight into electricity, which means they produce more energy.

Cheaper, lower-quality solar panels may not last as long, may require more maintenance, and may not work as well as those with better quality, which could lead to less energy generated and higher costs in the long run. It is important to take note that buying a good solar panel system is supposed to provide you with a reliable and cheap source of energy for many years.

Size and Capacity

It’s also important to think about the size and power of the solar panels that you want to purchase. Size refers to how big the solar panel is, while capacity is measured in watts and shows how much electricity the panel can make. Solar panel systems with more panels and power can make more electricity, but they also cost more. It’s important to pick a solar panel system that’s just big and powerful enough to match the energy needs of your home or business.

If the system is too small, it might not make enough energy to meet the demand. If the system is too big, it might cost more than it needs to. A solar panel system that is the right size can help you get the most out of solar energy, lower your electricity bills, and not be too dependent on the energy that the sun gives. This is why it’s important to seek professional service for a solar setup so they know which panels are the best for you.

Installation Costs

Here are some things you need to know about solar installation services: the cost of installing solar panels depends on a number of things like the complexity of the job, the location, and what kind of mounting system is used. There are several steps to installing a system. These include designing and engineering the system, getting permits, and installing the panels and wiring.

The complexity of the installation can change based on the type of roof, how much shade it has, and how the building’s electricity is set up. The cost of installation can also depend on the type of mounting system that is used. There are different ways to mount things, such as on the roof, on the ground, or on a pole. Rooftop systems are the most common and cost-effective. Ground-mounted and pole-mounted systems can be more expensive because they require more materials and labor. As for location cost, we will explain that below.


As part of the installation cost, location can be a factor for your solar panel price, too. Why? Solar panels tend to cost more in places with more sunlight because they can produce more energy there. Location can also affect how much it costs to install something—areas that are harder to get to or need more equipment to install can lead to higher costs. In remote areas, you may have to pay more for transportation and labor, which can hike up the fee for installation.

Availability of Components

The price of solar panels in the Philippines can also be affected by the accessibility of parts. If solar panel companies encounter problems with their supply chains or have to wait longer to get parts, this can make the final product cost more. It is important to work with reputable solar companies in the Philippines like Solaric to make sure that parts are always available and installation doesn’t take too long.

Maintenance Costs

Solar panels don’t need much care, but they still need to be cleaned and checked on a regular basis to work at their best. Also, parts may need to be replaced over time, which adds to the cost of maintenance. When figuring out how much the solar panel will cost altogether, it is important to take these costs into account.


The last thing that affects the price of a solar panel in the Philippines is how long it is guaranteed to work. Solar panels with longer warranties usually cost more because they offer more protection and coverage in case something goes wrong. Before buying a solar panel, it is important to look at the warranty terms and compare them among different brands. A longer warranty will give you more benefits and assurance.

Key Takeaway

By understanding the factors that affect solar panel prices in the Philippines and knowing the best qualities to look for in a solar company, you can make informed decisions that will give the most value to your investment. To ensure that all your investment in solar panels will be given value, choose Solaric—one of the best solar companies in the Philippines. To know more about going solar and the services that we provide, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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