SOLARIC is an official Philippine distributor of TRINA Solar Modules. We have a wide variety of Trina Honey Solar Modules ranging from 250W to 290W, both in Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline. Please check with us to see what’s in stock, as stock varies weekly.
All TRINA Solar Panels have a 10 year warranty against manufacturer’s defects, and 25 year LINEAR power output guarantee!
250W to 265W MONO Spec Sheet
270W to 290W MONO Spec Sheet
250W to 265W POLY Spec Sheet
About Trina Solar:
Trina Solar is the world’s number 1 solar PV module brand with a total shipment volume in 2014 of 3.66 GW. Trina Solar is not only a pioneer of China’s PV industry, but has become an influential shaper of the global solar industry and a leader in solar modules. Trina is a New York Stock Exchange listed company.